Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lord of the Flies

We have been reading through chapter 1 in class and working on the following worksheet:

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 1-20pts

1. (8) What might the boys be thinking considering the prospect of “No Grownups!” -note the exclamation point. Explain

2. (9) What are Piggy’s (fat boy) weaknesses? Strengths?

3. (11) What is most important to Piggy? Why?

4. (13) What was Ralph’s father? Why is this significant?

5. (13/14) Comment on the fact that they swim. What is their attitude or demeanor? Should it be this way? Should this be what they are doing? Explain.

6. (16) What is the conch for? What does it symbolize?

7. (17) What does it say about the characters that they derive enjoyment from the fart noises made with the shell?

8. (19) What does the laughter signify?

9. (21) Why does Ralph betray Piggy? Is it a betrayal?

10. (22) Why does Jack think he should be chief?

11. (24/25) What is the significance of each reference to Piggy’s glasses on these pages?

12. (31) What does Jack fail to do? Why? What is so important about “next time”?