Monday, December 5, 2011


Pd 2-Students were given the following essay schedule:

Essay Schedule

Due Date: Tuesday 12/13

Class periods devoted to essay: 12/5-12/8 *12/6-12/9 for pds 8 & 9

You are responsible for completing the following tasks during the 4 day period we work on this assignment in class:

• Thesis statement
• Outline-including examples/quotes
• Rough draft
• Begin typing final (Thursday will be a lab day)

Sample Outline

Thesis Statement-full sentence

a. present (example 1)
b. support (quote/paraphrase)
c. explain (tie to thesis)

Be sure to accurately cite each quote. You must use both the book and the film. For the book you will use the title because there is no known author; for the movie you will use the director, Mctiernan.

*I will be providing individual assistance as needed. I will deduct points for a lack of productivity.

Pds 8 & 9 finished the film and will begin the essay tomorrow.