Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Lord of the Flies
We have been reading through chapter 1 in class and working on the following worksheet:
Lord of the Flies
Chapter 1-20pts
1. (8) What might the boys be thinking considering the prospect of “No Grownups!” -note the exclamation point. Explain
2. (9) What are Piggy’s (fat boy) weaknesses? Strengths?
3. (11) What is most important to Piggy? Why?
4. (13) What was Ralph’s father? Why is this significant?
5. (13/14) Comment on the fact that they swim. What is their attitude or demeanor? Should it be this way? Should this be what they are doing? Explain.
6. (16) What is the conch for? What does it symbolize?
7. (17) What does it say about the characters that they derive enjoyment from the fart noises made with the shell?
8. (19) What does the laughter signify?
9. (21) Why does Ralph betray Piggy? Is it a betrayal?
10. (22) Why does Jack think he should be chief?
11. (24/25) What is the significance of each reference to Piggy’s glasses on these pages?
12. (31) What does Jack fail to do? Why? What is so important about “next time”?
Lord of the Flies
Chapter 1-20pts
1. (8) What might the boys be thinking considering the prospect of “No Grownups!” -note the exclamation point. Explain
2. (9) What are Piggy’s (fat boy) weaknesses? Strengths?
3. (11) What is most important to Piggy? Why?
4. (13) What was Ralph’s father? Why is this significant?
5. (13/14) Comment on the fact that they swim. What is their attitude or demeanor? Should it be this way? Should this be what they are doing? Explain.
6. (16) What is the conch for? What does it symbolize?
7. (17) What does it say about the characters that they derive enjoyment from the fart noises made with the shell?
8. (19) What does the laughter signify?
9. (21) Why does Ralph betray Piggy? Is it a betrayal?
10. (22) Why does Jack think he should be chief?
11. (24/25) What is the significance of each reference to Piggy’s glasses on these pages?
12. (31) What does Jack fail to do? Why? What is so important about “next time”?
Friday, December 16, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Lord of the Flies-Intro
Today we began the following intro assignment for LOTF:
Lord of the Flies
Introductory group assignment
Due 12/14
Due to circumstances beyond your control, the civilized world as we know it has come to an end. You are a few of the survivors, which equal 0.1% of the current population of Earth. You must figure out how to survive. Food stores are running out and you have no electrical power. How will you rebuild?
Your group must come up with rules for running the show. You are in charge. You must decide all of the following:
• Laws
• Ethics (Moral philosophy)
• Punishments
• Hierarchy (Who is in charge? What titles will leaders have?)
• Define acceptable behavior
• Proper social norms
• Rituals/Religion
• Names for everything
• Acquisition of basic survival needs
• Defense
• Logo (symbol representing your society)
You must then develop a presentation clearly depicting your society. Your goal is not necessarily to create the ideal society for everyone, but the society you would like.
You will also give a printout of your rules to another group. When you receive another group’s rules you must examine it for weaknesses. When each group has completed their presentation, you will have an opportunity to expose the weaknesses through questions and hypothetical scenarios. The more weaknesses you expose, the more points you will earn.
Lord of the Flies
Introductory group assignment
Due 12/14
Due to circumstances beyond your control, the civilized world as we know it has come to an end. You are a few of the survivors, which equal 0.1% of the current population of Earth. You must figure out how to survive. Food stores are running out and you have no electrical power. How will you rebuild?
Your group must come up with rules for running the show. You are in charge. You must decide all of the following:
• Laws
• Ethics (Moral philosophy)
• Punishments
• Hierarchy (Who is in charge? What titles will leaders have?)
• Define acceptable behavior
• Proper social norms
• Rituals/Religion
• Names for everything
• Acquisition of basic survival needs
• Defense
• Logo (symbol representing your society)
You must then develop a presentation clearly depicting your society. Your goal is not necessarily to create the ideal society for everyone, but the society you would like.
You will also give a printout of your rules to another group. When you receive another group’s rules you must examine it for weaknesses. When each group has completed their presentation, you will have an opportunity to expose the weaknesses through questions and hypothetical scenarios. The more weaknesses you expose, the more points you will earn.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Pd 2-Students were given the following essay schedule:
Essay Schedule
Due Date: Tuesday 12/13
Class periods devoted to essay: 12/5-12/8 *12/6-12/9 for pds 8 & 9
You are responsible for completing the following tasks during the 4 day period we work on this assignment in class:
• Thesis statement
• Outline-including examples/quotes
• Rough draft
• Begin typing final (Thursday will be a lab day)
Sample Outline
Thesis Statement-full sentence
a. present (example 1)
b. support (quote/paraphrase)
c. explain (tie to thesis)
Be sure to accurately cite each quote. You must use both the book and the film. For the book you will use the title because there is no known author; for the movie you will use the director, Mctiernan.
*I will be providing individual assistance as needed. I will deduct points for a lack of productivity.
Pds 8 & 9 finished the film and will begin the essay tomorrow.
Essay Schedule
Due Date: Tuesday 12/13
Class periods devoted to essay: 12/5-12/8 *12/6-12/9 for pds 8 & 9
You are responsible for completing the following tasks during the 4 day period we work on this assignment in class:
• Thesis statement
• Outline-including examples/quotes
• Rough draft
• Begin typing final (Thursday will be a lab day)
Sample Outline
Thesis Statement-full sentence
a. present (example 1)
b. support (quote/paraphrase)
c. explain (tie to thesis)
Be sure to accurately cite each quote. You must use both the book and the film. For the book you will use the title because there is no known author; for the movie you will use the director, Mctiernan.
*I will be providing individual assistance as needed. I will deduct points for a lack of productivity.
Pds 8 & 9 finished the film and will begin the essay tomorrow.
Friday, December 2, 2011
We are currently viewing the film The 13th Warrior. Students will begin working on the following assignment next week in class:
Beowulf and The13th Warrior
The 13th Warrior is the screenplay for the book Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton. This book is based off the remaining fragments of an actual report written in the 10th century by Ahmad Ibn Fadlan of his adventures with a company of Norsemen. Director John McTiernan effectively uses the elements of an epic and weaves in connections to Beowulf. You are to make note of these connections and take notes as we view this film. If you miss a day, please be responsible to either schedule a time with me, or rent it out on your own. Yes, you will be writing a paper, focusing on one of the following:
• The traits of the epic hero-compare/contrast the book to the movie
• The blending of paganism and a new, foreign religion (Christianity in Beowulf; Islam in The 13th Warrior)
You must include specific references to both the poem and the film, citing your sources appropriately. Cite the line number(s) for Beowulf, and the director’s last name for The 13th Warrior (McTiernan). Be sure to have at least three textual references for the epic poem, and at least one for the film. It is not necessary to use any other outside sources. You are to analyze the works and use mature insight.
Keep in mind the following “rules” of a formal paper:
• Third person point of view (no I, no you)
• Present verb tense
• 12 point font, double-spaced
Check out these characters’ names from the film – sound familiar?
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan (Antonio Banderas) Buliwyf Herger (joyous)
Edgtho (silent) Roneth Ragnar (sullen) Helfdane (fat)
Rethel (archer) Hatlaf (boy) Halga (wise) Skeld (superstitious)
Weath (musician) Hyglak (quarrelsome)
King Hrothgar, Queen Weilew, Wigliff (king’s son), Olga
Beowulf and The13th Warrior
The 13th Warrior is the screenplay for the book Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton. This book is based off the remaining fragments of an actual report written in the 10th century by Ahmad Ibn Fadlan of his adventures with a company of Norsemen. Director John McTiernan effectively uses the elements of an epic and weaves in connections to Beowulf. You are to make note of these connections and take notes as we view this film. If you miss a day, please be responsible to either schedule a time with me, or rent it out on your own. Yes, you will be writing a paper, focusing on one of the following:
• The traits of the epic hero-compare/contrast the book to the movie
• The blending of paganism and a new, foreign religion (Christianity in Beowulf; Islam in The 13th Warrior)
You must include specific references to both the poem and the film, citing your sources appropriately. Cite the line number(s) for Beowulf, and the director’s last name for The 13th Warrior (McTiernan). Be sure to have at least three textual references for the epic poem, and at least one for the film. It is not necessary to use any other outside sources. You are to analyze the works and use mature insight.
Keep in mind the following “rules” of a formal paper:
• Third person point of view (no I, no you)
• Present verb tense
• 12 point font, double-spaced
Check out these characters’ names from the film – sound familiar?
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan (Antonio Banderas) Buliwyf Herger (joyous)
Edgtho (silent) Roneth Ragnar (sullen) Helfdane (fat)
Rethel (archer) Hatlaf (boy) Halga (wise) Skeld (superstitious)
Weath (musician) Hyglak (quarrelsome)
King Hrothgar, Queen Weilew, Wigliff (king’s son), Olga
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