Pd 2-Read Act III scenes 1-3 and completed the following handout:
Scenes 1-3
Use the book and respond to each of the following in complete sentences.
Scene 1
Pg 81
Provide a line that shows Banquo’s suspicion of Macbeth.
Pg 91
Provide a line that explains that Macbeth wants Fleance dead.
Scene 2
Pg 95
Explain the line “Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed”
Scene 3
Pg 97
Explain the line “we have lost best half of our affair”
Pd 8-Read Act II in the graphic novel and viewed the film.
Pd 9-Read Act II scene 3 and began working on the following handout:
Act II
Scenes 3 & 4
Use the book to answer the following questions:
Pg 65
Lines 61-69
Explain what Lennox is telling Macbeth. What is the significance?
pg 67
Provide an example of irony.
Pgs 69-71
Lines 127-137
What is Macbeth’s excuse for killing the servants? What is his real reason?
Pg 75
Provide a line explaining why Malcolm and Donalbain are suspects in their father’s murder.