Thursday, February 24, 2011

Persuasive Essay

Yesterday and today were spent preparing for the persuasive essay task on the HSPA.

Students planned for several essays by writing T-charts. Today students wrote a sample intro and body paragraph for the following task:

HSPA Language Arts Tutorial Cluster 2: Writing to Persuade
Sample Persuasive Writing Prompt C
A frequently debated issue is whether or not violence in the media including video games, movies, songs, etc. has negative effects on young adults. Some people believe that there is a need for censorship and the elimination of many products while others believe it is unnecessary to ban potentially violent media and media products. Your school newspaper decided to devote an upcoming issue to this controversial topic.
You decide to write a letter to the editor of your school newspaper expressing your views about the effects of violence in the media.
Write a letter to the editor of your school newspaper with supporting or opposing whether violence in the media has negative effects on young adults. Support your position with reasons, examples, facts, and/or other evidence. Convince your readers to take your position seriously.