Friday, February 25, 2011

Expository Essay

Today we practiced prewriting for the expository essay task on the HSPA.

Here are some samples:

Expository Writing Sample Prompts

- Friendship and companionship are important parts of many people’s lives. On the other hand, some people prefer to be “loners” who mostly keep to themselves. Using an example from literature, film, or your own experience, write an essay analyzing whether friendship is an important part of being a well-adjusted human.

- Some people believe that doing what’s best for yourself and minding your own business is the most beneficial way to go through life, while other believe that doing things for others and acting out against injustice is a superior way to live. Write an essay analyzing which of these viewpoints your prefer and use an example from literature, film, or your own experience to help show your point.

- Bill Gates stated, "I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user." Why might one argue that a machine can be life-changing? Using an example from literature, history, science, or your own experience or observation, write an essay about how a "machine"/"technology" can change your way of life.

- Many people believe that who you are is mostly based on where you come from. Others say that everyone has the freedom to become their own person, no matter their parents, family, or background. Write an expository essay in which you explain and support one of these views. Use an example from literature, history, film, and/or your own experience to support your points.

- Albert Einstein wrote, “If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.” Some people believe that extrinsic motivation (like punishment or reward) is the most powerful way to motivate people. Others believe that intrinsic rewards (do it b/c you like it or it gives you satisfaction) are much stronger motivational forces. Write an expository essay in which you agree or disagree with Einstein. Use examples from film, literature, or your own experience to support and inform what you say.