Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-HW

Students are to finish reading part 1 of SGGK and complete the following assignment for HW:

1. Why does the poem begin with the Trojan War, not with King Arthur or Sir Gawain?
2. What season of the year is it as the actual story begins? Why is that significant? What night is it when the main events of Part 1 take place?
3. How old (more or less) are Arthur and his knights when the story takes place? How do you know?
4. Why won't Arthur eat his dinner yet?
5. What is the most unusual thing about the man who rides into the hall? In what interesting way does the author bring us that information? What is the man carrying in his hands? How does the man behave when he enters? Whom does he ask for? What initial response does he get?
6. What does the Green Knight propose?
7. How many knights initially offer to undertake the Green Knight's challenge? What arguments does Gawain finally use in asking to be given the challenge?
8. What happens when Gawain cuts off the Green Knight's head?
9. What is Arthur's response once the Green Knight has left?