Monday, November 2, 2009


Students who did not finish the final are to turn it in first thing tomorrow.

Students began the following assignment today:

Code of Honor

You have been given the task of designing a code of honor and morals for High Point. Your job is to come up with at least 5 rules to live by that represent what you consider to be honorable behavior. You must also consider the proper course of action if someone challenges your honor.

Also, decide how you retain your honor under the following circumstances:

• A teacher confronts you about cheating (of course you are innocent), yells at you, and kicks you out of class.

• Someone makes advances on your significant other during lunch.

• A classmate spreads an embarrassing and untruthful rumor about you.

• A classmate mocks your idea of honor.

Write up a brief response to each of these scenarios which will be presented with your code.

Place your rules on a poster with the following:

• Slogan reflecting your beliefs
• Image representing your code