Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Students are to complete their Audacity projects by the end of the period tomorrow.

Audacity Project

Using Audacity, you and your group must complete a dramatic reading of one of the speeches/scenes from Macbeth. Your grade will be based on how well your reading conveys the tone of the scene. This includes tone of voice and background effects. Each member of the group must speak. You have total creative control.

Students are to choose ONE of the following to have completed by Monday:

Macbeth projects-20pts

Poster-Make a movie poster for Macbeth. It must include images depicting character(s)/theme(s).

Collage-Create a collage of images related to Macbeth and the themes of the play. There must be a mixture of modern and historical images.

Soundtrack-Create a soundtrack for Macbeth. Use the music of today to tell the story. You must find at least 10 songs for the CD. Each song requires an explanation as to how it relates to the story and/or themes. You must also design the CD case.

Acting-Choose a scene to recreate from the play. You are to rewrite it to fit any style you like. It must depict the characters and themes accurately. It can be filmed ahead of time. I will collect the script.

Soliloquy-You are to choose a soliloquy to present. You must accurately portray the emotions of the character. You must also rewrite it in your own words and present it a second time.