Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Students read Act IV scene 1 in class and completed the following assignment:Macbeth
Act IV
Scenes 1-2

After viewing the film, use the book and respond to each of the following in complete sentences.

Pgs 125-127
Provide a line for each of the 3 prophecies. Macbeth doesn’t appear too worried after he hears the prophecies. Provide a line that shows this.

Pg 131
Provide a line that explains what Macbeth wants done to Macduff and his family. Why does he want this done?

Why is scene 2 included in the play?

Yesterday students completed the following assignment after reading and viewing the film:

Scene 4

After viewing the film use the book and respond to each of the following in complete sentences.

Pgs 103
Examine Macbeth’ and Lady Macbeth’s behavior in this scene. How is Macbeth reacting? Provide a line for support. How is Lady Macbeth reacting? Provide a line for support.

Explain the symbolism of Banquo’s ghost. Why does this scene exist?

How do Macbeth’s facial expressions reveal his emotions in the film?