Monday, March 12, 2012


Students received intro notes on the novel and have begun a research assignment in class.

Intro research

Use the links provided on my blog to research each of the following controversial topics. For each topic you must do the following:

• Provide a pro/con list
• Provide an explanation as to why it is controversial
• Provide any necessary definitions or explanations
• Provide your position on the topic and explain why
• Provide a brief summary of at least 2 articles
• Provide a quote from at least 2 articles and explain their importance
• Provide an evaluation of the objectivity of the source

This list of links is comprised of a variety of sources and presents both sides of each situation. This is an objective approach to controversial issues that will guide you to your own conclusion.

*Secondary task-Think of a scientific discovery or invention that you feel has had a negative effect on humanity. Create an argument supporting your case. Consider all of the possible dangers, and explain why this discovery/invention should be outlawed. You must provide at least 4 reasons supporting your position.