Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today we read chapter 11 of Lord of the Flies (R.I.P. Piggy). Students are to complete the following assignment for HW:

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 11
Respond to the following in complete sentences:

1. What do Ralph and his group plan to do to get Piggy’s glasses back? Why are they so concerned about how they will look when they go to meet Jack’s group?

2. Explain what this passage meant, “They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that concealing paint brought.”

3. Is the rivalry between the groups a game? Do the boys think it is serious?
4. Why doesn’t Jack’s group worry about a signal fire?

5. What is Jack’s response to Piggy’s question, “Which is better—law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?”

6. What is the symbolic meaning of the shattered conch?

7. How is Piggy killed?

8. Why does Jack force Samneric to join his tribe?