Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Mist

Students will be working on the following assignment after completing the film:

Write a thematic comparison of Lord of the Flies and The Mist. Your response must contain apt and specific references to both works and should be several well-organized paragraphs in length. Consider the following themes:

The Need for Social Order



Fear of the Unknown

Loss of Identity

Loss of Innocence

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Mist

Today we began viewing The Mist. Students will be required to write a thematic comparison to Lord of the Flies upon completing the film.
Themes include:
The Need for Social Order
Fear of the Unknown
Loss of Identity
Loss of Innocence

Friday, February 10, 2012


Students received essay topics today. We will spend several days next week working on essays in class.

Lord of the Flies

Write an essay, using textual support, in response to ONE of the following options:

1. Are the characters in Lord of the Flies stereotypes? If so, explain why William Golding used stereotypes. If not, explain how the characters merit individuality

2. Explain the importance of the setting in Lord of the Flies. Could this story have been set in a different time and place and still have the same effect?

3. Compare Jack's tactics to terrorist and gang tactics. How are they similar?
In the struggle for power between Jack and Ralph, what advantages does Jack have? Ralph?

4. What faults in our society does William Golding point out in Lord of the Flies?

5. Suppose the naval officer had not come along in the end, and Ralph had been murdered. How would that have changed the meaning of the story?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Today we finished the novel in class. Students are to complete the following assignment for HW:

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 12
Respond to the following in complete sentences:

1. Why does Ralph know he’s an outcast?

2. How does Jack plan to kill Ralph? How does Ralph find out about the plan?

3. What do you think Ralph could do to protect himself?

4. What was the purpose of the stick sharpened at both ends?

5. Explain what Jack does to force Ralph out of the thicket?

6. Why and how are the boys rescued?

7. What do you think would have happened to Ralph if the officer hadn’t intervened? What would have happened to the rest of the boys?

8. Does the officer believe Ralph about the boys who are killed? What did he expect from British boys?

9. Why does Ralph break down? What does he realize about mankind in general?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today we read chapter 11 of Lord of the Flies (R.I.P. Piggy). Students are to complete the following assignment for HW:

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 11
Respond to the following in complete sentences:

1. What do Ralph and his group plan to do to get Piggy’s glasses back? Why are they so concerned about how they will look when they go to meet Jack’s group?

2. Explain what this passage meant, “They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that concealing paint brought.”

3. Is the rivalry between the groups a game? Do the boys think it is serious?
4. Why doesn’t Jack’s group worry about a signal fire?

5. What is Jack’s response to Piggy’s question, “Which is better—law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?”

6. What is the symbolic meaning of the shattered conch?

7. How is Piggy killed?

8. Why does Jack force Samneric to join his tribe?

Monday, February 6, 2012


Students are to finish reading chapter 10 of LOTF and complete the following assignment for HW:

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 10
Respond to the following in complete sentences:

1. How does Piggy justify Simon’s murder? Why does he need to justify it if he didn’t kill Simon?

2. Who is left in Ralph’s group?

3. Did Ralph and Piggy take part in the murder? Do they feel responsible? Why?

4. In what ways do Jack and his group act like savages?

5. Why was the double function of the fire? What does the fire symbolize?

6. Why didn’t the hunters steal the conch? What does the conch symbolize?

7. Why did the hunters steal the glasses?

8. What will happen to Piggy without his glasses?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Students are still working on the chapter 8 open-ended question. When they finish, they are to read chapter 9.