Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Today we began reading chapter 2 of Lord of the Flies. Students are to finish reading the chapter and complete the following worksheet for HW:

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 2-20pts

1. (32-33) What is the purpose of the army? Why does Jack slam his knife into a trunk?

2. (35-36) What does Ralph predict their time on the island will be like? What is the beastie? How does it make them feel? (textual support)

3. (37) Explain why the boys believe they will be rescued. Is this rational?

4. (38) What does Piggy’s statement “like kids” say about how he views himself on the island?

5. (40) What is significant about the treatment of Piggy’s glasses on this page?

6. (42) How does Jack treat Piggy? What is Piggy’s role in starting the fire? What is the significance of the repetition of “I got the conch”?

7. (45) What was Piggy’s plan for survival on the island? Is he acting like a good leader? Why?

8. (46) What does Piggy point out that they are responsible for? Why doesn’t Jack like Piggy?