Thursday, November 17, 2011


Pd 2-we discussed the expectations of sequels. We then began reading Beowulf chapters 18-20. Students were given the following questions:

Chapters 18-20

As you read, respond to the following in complete sentences.

Chapter 18
List and explain several examples of Anglo-Saxon values in this chapter. Write down the specific lines that exemplify this.

Chapter 19
Who is Beowulf’s next opponent? Explain how Christian values relate to this new villain. What does she take with her? (2 things)

Chapter 20
List the descriptive words used to describe the villain and her home. (at least 5)
Explain how this relates to descriptions of Grendel.

Pds 8 & 9 received their open-ended responses, and began reading Beowulf chapters 7-9. They were given the following questions:

Chapters 7-9

Read chapters 7-9 and respond to the following in complete sentences.

In these chapters Unferth challenges Beowulf. What are his arguments against Beowulf? Do you see any validity in them? How does Beowulf put him in his place? Who would you side with if this were a modern argument and why?