Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Today students were given the following essay options:

Lord of the Flies

Write an essay, using textual support, in response to ONE of the following options:

1. Are the characters in Lord of the Flies stereotypes? If so, explain why William Golding used stereotypes. If not, explain how the characters merit individuality

2. Explain the importance of the setting in Lord of the Flies. Could this story have been set in a different time and place and still have the same effect?

3. Compare Jack's tactics to terrorist and gang tactics. How are they similar?
In the struggle for power between Jack and Ralph, what advantages does Jack have? Ralph?

4. What faults in our society does William Golding point out in Lord of the Flies?

5. Suppose the naval officer had not come along in the end, and Ralph had been murdered. How would that have changed the meaning of the story?

We will be spending the next few days working on this assignment in class.