Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Intro project

Students are currently working on an introductory assignment for Lord of the Flies. Presentations are to begin on Friday.

Lord of the Flies
Introductory group assignment

Due to circumstances beyond your control, the civilized world as we know it has come to an end. You are a few of the survivors, which equal 0.1% of the current population of Earth. You must figure out how to survive. Food stores are running out and you have no electrical power. How will you rebuild?

Your group must come up with rules for running the show. You are in charge. You must decide all of the following:
• Laws
• Ethics
• Punishments
• Hierarchy
• Define acceptable behavior
• Proper social norms
• Rituals
• Names for everything
• Acquisition of basic survival needs
• Defense

You must then develop a presentation clearly depicting your society. Your goal is not necessarily to create the ideal society for everyone, but the society you would like.

You will also give a printout of your rules to another group. When you receive another group’s rules you must examine it for weaknesses. When each group has completed their presentation, you will have an opportunity to expose the weaknesses through questions and hypothetical scenarios. The more weaknesses you expose, the more points you will earn.