Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lord of the Flies

The following assignment is due Friday:

Lord of the Flies
Chapters 7 & 8

Chapter 7
1. Describe the physical changes Ralph notices about himself. What is the significance?
2. What does Ralph daydream about his home?
3. What is the game the boys play after spearing the pig? What is their mood?
4. Why do you think Jack hates Ralph so much? Why won’t he talk it over with him?
5. What evidence do they find of the beast?

Chapter 8
1. How is Piggy treated?
2. Why does Jack call an assembly? How does he persuade the boys to elect him chief?
3. Why do they have to move the fire?
4. Describe the killing of the sow. What do they do with the blood? The head?
5. What threat does the lord of flies make to Simon? Does he really speak? Is Simon crazy?