Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lord of the Flies

The following assignment is due Friday:

Lord of the Flies
Chapters 7 & 8

Chapter 7
1. Describe the physical changes Ralph notices about himself. What is the significance?
2. What does Ralph daydream about his home?
3. What is the game the boys play after spearing the pig? What is their mood?
4. Why do you think Jack hates Ralph so much? Why won’t he talk it over with him?
5. What evidence do they find of the beast?

Chapter 8
1. How is Piggy treated?
2. Why does Jack call an assembly? How does he persuade the boys to elect him chief?
3. Why do they have to move the fire?
4. Describe the killing of the sow. What do they do with the blood? The head?
5. What threat does the lord of flies make to Simon? Does he really speak? Is Simon crazy?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Students should be working on their thesis statements and the following assignment for Lord of the Flies:

Lord of the Flies
Chapters 5-6

Respond to the following in complete sentences:
Beast from Water
1. (76)What does Ralph decide about the meeting that he is about to have? What does this say about how Ralph is changing?

2. (77) What did Ralph, Jack, and Piggy not have the “wit” to do? What does Ralph realize a chief needs to be able to do?

3. (78) Where does Piggy stand at the beginning of the assembly?

4. (79-82) What is the first thing Ralph lists as something that the boys have failed to do? What is Ralph’s second complaint? What is Ralph’s third complaint? What do all the littluns laugh about while Ralph is talking? What is Ralph’s fourth command?

5. (82) What is the last thing Ralph tries to talk about before he loses control?

6. (82-83) What does Jack have to say about the littluns’ fear? (textual support)

7. (84-85) What did the boy named Phil think he saw? What did the boy really see?

8. (86-89) What does Simon suggest about the beast?

9. (90-92) What do the boys vote on?

10. (92) Why does Ralph not blow the conch?

11. (93-94) Why is Piggy afraid of Ralph giving up control?

Beast From Air
1. (95-96) What is happening in the air while the boys sleep?

2. (96) What sign is sent to the boys that they don’t get to read?

3. (97-98) What do Sam and Eric think they see? What do they really see?

4. (99-100) How do Sam and Eric exaggerate what they saw?

5. (101-106) When Jack follows Ralph up the rocks, what does he think the castle rock would be good for?

6. (107—108) About what do Ralph and Jack argue?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Research Paper

Literary Research Paper

Throughout the year we have read a variety of interesting works. Each work contains many different themes, ideas, and questions that can be analyzed further outside of the work. Over the next 6 weeks you will put together a research paper based on one of the works we have studied this year. We will spend several days each week devoting our time to the research and writing process. The days we spend in class will be used for the current work we are analyzing.

You are to use the time given you to research a concept from the work of your choice, formulate a thesis, gather sources to support it, and craft a thoughtful argument proving your thesis.

The paper will be broken up into several parts. The requirements are as follows:

Thesis statement 10pts Due 4/23
List of sources
(at least 4) 10pts Due 4/29
Outline 10pts Due 5/7
Rough Draft
(4-6 pages) 20pts Due 5/14

Final Draft:
Times New Roman
Font 12
Double Spaced
4-6 pages
MLA citations for all sources
All sources quoted at least once
No 1st person
100pts Due 5/27

Works Cited Page
Correct MLA format
Attached to final copy
At least 4 sources
50pts Due 5/27

Total 200pts

This grade will account for approximately ½ of your 4th marking period grade. You must follow the requirements EXACTLY. A late paper will be accepted for ½ credit, NO EXCEPTIONS! If you are absent the day the paper is due you will receive ½ credit.
Emailing your paper is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

All sources must be acceptable. NO SPARKNOTES! Scholarly articles, criticisms, and journals only.
Use your time in the library wisely. It is not social hour. If you are not working, you will be sent out. It is up to you to make the most of it. I will be available for help and/or questions. Do not come to me the week the paper is due and tell me you don’t understand what we are supposed to be doing.

Students who do not return this paper with a signature will not receive credit for any of the assignments. You will only earn credit after you have turned in this paper with a signature.

*As it is stated in the 11B course outline, found at, “Students will be required to write a scholarly, literature-based research paper.” This means you will NOT be cleared for 12th grade without completing this assignment.

If you understand these expectations, please sign where indicated.



Works to choose from:
• Beowulf
• Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
• The Canterbury Tales
• Macbeth
• Everyman
• Lord of the Flies

Friday, April 16, 2010

Research Paper

Today the students were given their research paper assignment. It is worth 1/2 of the 4th marking period grade. Students are brining a paper home that requires parental signature. More details will be posted on Monday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lord of the Flies

Students are to finish the following assignment for HW:

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 3 “Huts on the Beach”
Use complete sentences. 20pts

1. (48) Describe Jack. What is he wearing? What looks different now from when he first arrived on the island?

2. (48-49) What is Jack doing?

3. (50) What is the first thing Jack asks for when he comes out of the forest? Why is this important?

4. (50) What are Ralph and Simon doing?

5. (51) What is Ralph upset by?

6. (51) What are Ralph’s feelings on meetings?

7. (51) Describe the conflict between Jack and Ralph after Ralph says, “When the meeting is over they’d work for five minutes, then wander off or go hunting.”

8. (51) Jack says he could have killed a pig if they could make what?

9. (52) There are two reasons why Ralph thinks it is really important to have shelter. What are they?

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

10. (52) Of what are the children still afraid?

11. (53) What are Jack’s thoughts on rescue?

12. (54) Where must the pigs be hiding during the hot day?

13. (55) Where do Jack and Ralph assume Simon is?

14. (55-57) Where is Simon really?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lord of the Flies

Students completed chapter 2 of the novel and completed the following assignment:

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 2-20pts

1. (32-33) What is the purpose of the army? Why does Jack slam his knife into a trunk?

2. (35-36) What does Ralph predict their time on the island will be like? What is the beastie? How does it make them feel? (textual support)

3. (37) Explain why the boys believe they will be rescued. Is this rational?

4. (38) What does Piggy’s statement “like kids” say about how he views himself on the island?

5. (40) What is significant about the treatment of Piggy’s glasses on this page?

6. (42) How does Jack treat Piggy? What is Piggy’s role in starting the fire? What is the significance of the repetition of “I got the conch”?

7. (45) What was Piggy’s plan for survival on the island? Is he acting like a good leader? Why?

8. (46) What does Piggy point out that they are responsible for? Why doesn’t Jack like Piggy?