Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Everyman/Lord of the Flies

Students have to complete the following assignment by Tuesday 3/23:

A Morality Play

You will be responsible for writing your own morality play called Everystudent. Although you will be writing in your own vernacular, you must mirror the structure of Everyman and show your understanding of the genre. The story will be about the things that will speak for you when you graduate high school.

Characters-You must have 7 total. You can create your own that are not on the list.
*-required characters
• Everystudent*
• College or Employer (the God character)*
• Friends
• Family
• Knowledge
• Popularity*
• Grades
• Respect (given and received)
• Extra-curricular
• Community Service
• Narrator

Due Date: Tuesday 3/23/10

Our time in class will be spent on the following assignment which will provide our transition to Lord of the Flies:

Lord of the Flies
Introductory group assignment

You must select ONE of the following that you would like to be in charge of:
• High Point
• This class
• The US
• The World

Your group must come up with rules for running the show. You are in charge. You must decide all of the following:
• Laws
• Ethics
• Punishments
• Hierarchy
• Define acceptable behavior
• Proper social norms
• Rituals
• Names for everything

You must then develop a presentation clearly depicting your society. Your goal is not necessarily to create the ideal society for everyone, but the society you would like.