Friday, April 3, 2009


Students MUST turn in their Beowulf and The 13th Warrior paper before spring break. Any paper not turned in before break will be a 0.

Next week, students will be working on the following project:

Movie Project

Now that we have completed Beowulf, you are going to put your creative spin on the epic. Beowulf can be broken down into 3 acts. Each act is unique, but shares many common elements. Each group will be responsible for scripting, acting, and filming a specific act. Make this your vision. As we have done before, I suggest you elect a director to make final decisions. All members of the group must collaborate on the script and play a part.

Your act must be 5-7 minutes long and include the following:
Act 1-
Grendel’s first attack
Beowulf’s arrival and boast
Beowulf’s battle with Grendel

Act 2-
Mother’s attack
Beowulf learns of the attack and travels to her lair
Beowulf’s battle with the mother

Act 3-
Dragon’s attack
Beowulf’s battle with dragon
Burial of Beowulf

The purpose of this assignment is not to recreate the exact circumstances that are present in the novel, but to see how they relate to us. The story of Beowulf is timeless because we can relate to it. How will you take the elements of this tale and apply them to what you know?

This is a lot to cover. Be concise!