Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sample Research Papers

Look through some of the sample papers provided and provide examples of the following:

  • Thesis statement (at least 2)
  • Full sentence direct quote
  • one to two word quote
  • partial sentence quote (...)
  • paraphrasing
  • longer quote set off from the text

Notice how much of the is quoted material.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Research Paper

Yesterday students were given the following assignment:

Literary Research Paper

Throughout the year we have read a variety of interesting works. Each work contains many different themes, ideas, and questions that can be analyzed further outside of the work. Over the next 6 weeks you will put together a research paper based on one of the works we have studied this year. We will spend several days each week devoting our time to the research and writing process. The days we spend in class will be used for the current work we are analyzing.

You are to use the time given you to research a concept from the work of your choice, formulate a thesis, gather sources to support it, and craft a thoughtful argument proving your thesis.

The paper will be broken up into several parts. The requirements are as follows:

Thesis statement 10pts Due 4/24
List of sources
(at least 4) 10pts Due 5/1
Outline 10pts Due 5/7
Rough Draft
(4-6 pages) 20pts Due 5/15

Final Draft:
Times New Roman
Font 12
Double Spaced
4-6 pages
MLA citations for all sources
All sources quoted at least once
No 1st person
100pts Due 5/22

Works Cited Page
Correct MLA format
Attached to final copy
At least 4 sources
50pts Due 5/22

Total 200pts

This grade will account for approximately ½ of your 4th marking period grade. You must follow the requirements EXACTLY. A late paper will be accepted for ½ credit, NO EXCEPTIONS! If you are absent the day the paper is due you will receive ½ credit.
Emailing your paper is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

All sources must be acceptable. NO SPARKNOTES! Scholarly articles, criticisms, and journals only. All websites must be either .edu, .org., or .gov.

Use your time in the library wisely. It is not social hour. If you are not working, you will be sent out. It is up to you to make the most of it. I will be available for help and/or questions. Do not come to me the week the paper is due and tell me you don’t understand what we are supposed to be doing.

If you understand these expectations, please sign where indicated.



Works to choose from:
Oedipus the King
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Canterbury Tales

Friday, April 3, 2009


Students MUST turn in their Beowulf and The 13th Warrior paper before spring break. Any paper not turned in before break will be a 0.

Next week, students will be working on the following project:

Movie Project

Now that we have completed Beowulf, you are going to put your creative spin on the epic. Beowulf can be broken down into 3 acts. Each act is unique, but shares many common elements. Each group will be responsible for scripting, acting, and filming a specific act. Make this your vision. As we have done before, I suggest you elect a director to make final decisions. All members of the group must collaborate on the script and play a part.

Your act must be 5-7 minutes long and include the following:
Act 1-
Grendel’s first attack
Beowulf’s arrival and boast
Beowulf’s battle with Grendel

Act 2-
Mother’s attack
Beowulf learns of the attack and travels to her lair
Beowulf’s battle with the mother

Act 3-
Dragon’s attack
Beowulf’s battle with dragon
Burial of Beowulf

The purpose of this assignment is not to recreate the exact circumstances that are present in the novel, but to see how they relate to us. The story of Beowulf is timeless because we can relate to it. How will you take the elements of this tale and apply them to what you know?

This is a lot to cover. Be concise!