Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Students were given the following assignment today:

The Boast

Over the course of this school year you will have to get used to the idea of bragging about yourself. You have to sell yourselves to colleges and/or employers, based on your past accomplishments. You also know that I, your teacher/leader/mentor/idol, really enjoy listening to my students speak of their confidence. A little arrogance can be a good thing. Just look at me.

Read over Beowulf’s boasting words, as he answers the watchman, and then to King Hrothgar…chapters 4-6.

My father/Was a famous soldier, known far and wide/As a leader of men. His name was Edgetho./His life lasted many winters;/Wise men all over the earth surely/Remember him still…Hail, Hrothgar!/Higlac is my cousin and my king; the days/Of my youth have been filled with glory…My people have said, the wisest, most knowing/And best of them, that my duty was to go to the Danes’/Great king. They have seen my strength for themselves,/Have watched me rise from the darkness of war,/Dripping with my enemies’ blood. I drove/Five great giants into chains, chased/All of that race from the earth. I swam…A single request! I have come so far,/Oh shelterer of warriors and your people’s loved friend,/That this one favor you must not refuse me-

Now you will write up your own boast and will present it to the class. You can be yourself, or take on any occupation, or pretend to be a famous actress, actor, writer, politician, etc…go for it!!! Pretend you are boasting about yourself to be “awarded” this “job”-be it getting into a certain college, or getting a waitressing job at Applebee’s…sell yourself!! Your boast must adhere to the following guidelines:

20-25 lines, poetic structure (rhyming not necessary)
Heritage must be discussed-father and/or mother at least
Prior accomplishments must be discussed
Must include 2-4 kennings
Must include 2 similes
Must include 2 metaphors
Must include alliteration
Must include personification
Bonus points will be awarded for getting into character and dressing up appropriately, using props, and/or memorizing your boast
Be creative and have fun

You will be graded on the written boast, and the oral delivery. You must use inflection in your voice! Give it your all!! The stage is yours!!! Do it!!!!!

Due date: Typed (any font—whatever is easiest to read from)—Wednesday,
March 25th!—a schedule will be created to present

Written boast: 25 points; Oral delivery: 25 points