Thursday, May 8, 2008

HW for Monday

Students are to complete the following assignment for Monday:

The Iliad
Books 3 & 4
Read the following pages and respond in complete sentences.

Book ThreeParis, Menelaus, and Helen
Examine the relationship between Paris and Hector on these pages. What specifically causes Hector’s anger towards his brother? Is this justified in your opinion? Explain.

Lines 153-196
Explain the emotions that Helen is feeling during this scene. What is causing this?

Lines 209-268
Helen describes several heroes on these pages. What words are used for the following heroes?


How do these descriptions set each man apart?

How does she describe herself? Why does she do this?

Lines 361-506
On these pages Paris and Menelaus battle one-on-one in order to reach a resolution to the conflict. This scene could mean the end of the war. Why doesn’t it end the war? What does this say about the nature of the gods? Write a reaction to the actions of Paris and Helen in the closing scene of Book 3. How do you feel about each one of them?

Book FourThe Armies Clash
Lines 88-215
Explain how the truce ends. Who causes this and why?

Lines 505-585
This is the first battle scene in the story. What techniques does Homer use to make the massive assault personal to the reader? What cultural aspects are present in this scene? Give an example of repetition and explain why it is used.