Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Canterbury Tales HW

We will finish the film tomorrow. The two remaining groups will finalize their projects. Presentations will begin Friday.

You must have the following assignment completed by tomorrow:

Read “The Franklin’s Tale” and respond to the following in complete sentences.

What type of person is the Franklin?

Where does the story take place?

What are the names of the two characters?

What was the agreement of their marriage?

Why did Arveragus go to England?

How long was he there?

What did Dorigen do while Arveragus was gone?

What did Dorigen’s friends try to do?

What did Dorigen despise of along the cliff?

How did Dorigen meet Aurelius?

What did Aurelius tell Dorigen?

How did she respond?

What was Dorigen’s promise to Aurelius?

After she told him that, what did Aurelius do?

What does Aurelius ask the gods for?
How long was Aurelius sick?

What did his brother think of?