Thursday, January 17, 2008


We have been working on the picture prompt segment of the HSPA test. The students have completed several activities designed to improve planning and time management, and 1 full length sample prompt. Today the students completed a peer editing activity. The students will be asked to reflect on their work in order to improve their work. I will be grading the sample tests we complete in class.

I have provided links to all of the activities that the students have been assigned.

Tomorrow we will begin discussing the mid-term.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Today the students proofread their in-class essays.

When they finished I handed out some introductory material regarding the HSPA test. We will spend the next 2 months preparing for the test. Our study of literature will continue, I will simply design assessments that will help students prepare for the HSPA. The materials I gave the students can be accessed by clicking the two links I have provided.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In-class writing

There will be an in-class writing tomorrow on The Canterbury Tales. It will focus on the students' knowledge of several tales and satire. Students are encouraged to bring the review sheet they have been working on. They will be able to use it as a resource.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Review Assignment

Pd 8

Click on the "Review" link. From this page you are to open up The Canterbury Tales Review as a word document. You are to complete the table with your group. You may use the computer to conduct research for anything you are unsure of. This review sheet will help you greatly on the in-class writing scheduled for Tuesday of next week.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Franklin's Tale/Presentations

Pd 2-Presentations begin tomorrow.

Pd 8-Students are to finish reading "The Franklin's Tale" and complete the following assignment by tomorrow:

Whom did they meet in Orleans?

What did this man do while they were at his house?

What did Aurelius ask the magician to do?

How much was the magician’s fee?

What did the magician do to the rocks?

For how long?

What happened to Dorigen when Aurelius told her the rocks were gone?

What did she consider doing?

What did Arveragus tell Dorigen to do?

When Aurelius met Dorigen, what did he tell her?

When Aurelius told the magician what he did, what did the magician do?

Which one of these people seems to be the most generous? Why?

The Franklin

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Canterbury Tales HW

We will finish the film tomorrow. The two remaining groups will finalize their projects. Presentations will begin Friday.

You must have the following assignment completed by tomorrow:

Read “The Franklin’s Tale” and respond to the following in complete sentences.

What type of person is the Franklin?

Where does the story take place?

What are the names of the two characters?

What was the agreement of their marriage?

Why did Arveragus go to England?

How long was he there?

What did Dorigen do while Arveragus was gone?

What did Dorigen’s friends try to do?

What did Dorigen despise of along the cliff?

How did Dorigen meet Aurelius?

What did Aurelius tell Dorigen?

How did she respond?

What was Dorigen’s promise to Aurelius?

After she told him that, what did Aurelius do?

What does Aurelius ask the gods for?
How long was Aurelius sick?

What did his brother think of?