Thursday, November 1, 2007

Beowulf HW-Due 11/2

The students worked on the following paper in class today, which should be completed by tomorrow:

Chapters 3-6

Read chapters 3-6 and respond to the following in complete sentences:

Chapter 3
List at least 8 words that are used to describe Beowulf and his companions in this chapter. What does this tell you about how the author wants you to feel about these characters?

Chapter 4
What does Beowulf reveal in his introduction? How does this differ from how you introduce yourself?

What is their purpose for travelling to Hrothgar’s land?

What is significant about the watchman’s “goodbye”?

Chapter 6
What will Beowulf use to fight Grendel? Why does he do this? Is this admirable? How will victory be decided?

They recieved the following assignment to complete on their own, also due tomorrow:

Chapters 7-9

Read chapters 7-9 and respond to the following in complete sentences:

In these chapters Unferth challenges Beowulf. What are his arguments against Beowulf? Do you see any validity in them? How does Beowulf put him in his place? Who would you side with if this were a modern argument and why?