Friday, December 21, 2007

Holiday Break

Have a great holiday break!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Canterbury Tales-project

Pd 2-Tomorrow each group will have an opportunity for revisions. The project must be 100% complete by the end of the period.

Pd 8-Good job with the presentations. Think about how you would do things differently the next time.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Photo Story Projects

Pd 2
Monday-The group covering "The Wife of Bath's Tale" will have a work period. Everyone else will spend the period working on the assignment for "The Pardoner's Tale".

Pd 8
Monday will be the final work day for the project. Be sure to budget your time.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Photo Story project

We began a Photo Story project today dealing with The Canterbury Tales. The students are in groups of 3 & 4, and are responsible for creating a slideshow that tells the tale they have been assigned. We will be covering 5 to 6 tales this way. The project is worth 30pts.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Miller's Tale

Students are to read "The Miller's Tale" and complete the following assignment for tomorrow:

Read the tale and respond to the following in complete sentences:
“The Miller”
In what condition is the Miller when he tells his tale? Why is this significant?

Describe the situation, the problem, the climax, the resolution—who gets made a fool of? Who wins?

Do you think that poetic justice, or a fitting punishment, is awarded to the characters? Explain.

Refer back to Chaucer’s vivid description of the Miller on page 12. How does this tale reflect the character?

Do you think that this tale is strong motivation for an even better tale by the Reeve? Why?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Canterbury Tales/General Prologue

We spent time in class covering the many characters described in the general prologue. The students worked in groups and will present their findings to the rest of the class tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Have a great weekend

We will finish the film on Monday and discuss the connections to Beowulf. If anyone sees the new movie over the weekend, see me about extra credit.

Monday, November 19, 2007

100pt Assignment

Today we began viewing The 13th Warrior. Upon completion of the film students will be responsible for the following assignment:

Beowulf and The13th Warrior
Due 12/3/07

The 13th Warrior is the screenplay for the book Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton. This book is based off the remaining fragments of an actual report written in the 10th century by Ahmad Ibn Fadlan of his adventures with a company of Norsemen. Director John McTiernan effectively uses the elements of an epic and weaves in connections to Beowulf. You are to make note of these connections and take notes as we view this film. If you miss a day, please be responsible to either schedule a time with me, or rent it out on your own. Yes, you will be writing a paper, focusing on one of the following:

The traits of the epic hero-compare/contrast the book to the movie
The blending of paganism and a new, foreign religion (Christianity in Beowulf; Islam in The 13th Warrior)

You must include specific references to both the poem and the film, citing your sources appropriately. Cite the line number(s) for Beowulf, and the director’s last name for The 13th Warrior (McTiernan). Be sure to have at least three textual references for the epic poem, and at least one for the film. It is not necessary to use any other outside sources. You are to analyze the works and use mature insight.

Keep in mind the following “rules” of a formal paper:
· Third person point of view (no I, no you)
· Present verb tense
· 12 point font, double-spaced

Check out these characters’ names from the film – sound familiar?

Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan (Antonio Banderas) Buliwyf Herger (joyous)
Edgtho (silent) Roneth Ragnar (sullen) Helfdane (fat)
Rethel (archer) Hatlaf (boy) Halga (wise) Skeld (superstitious)
Weath (musician) Hyglak (quarrelsome)
King Hrothgar, Queen Weilew, Wigliff (king’s son), Olga

Friday, November 16, 2007

The 13th Warrior

Don't forget to get your permission slips signed by Monday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Boasts will be presented tomorrow. (75pt assignment)

Beowulf HW-Permission Slips

On Monday 11/19, we will begin viewing the film The 13th Warrior. It is an R-rated film which means it requires parental approval. The students were given permission slips today. If they are not returned to me with a parent/guardian signature, the student will be given an alternate assignment. The rating is a result of some graphic battle sequences. The story, however, is very relevant. It shows a realistic portrayal of the epic. The students will be given a major writing assignment based on both the film and the translation of Beowulf that was read in class.

Today we covered Beowulf's final battle. The students have the following HW assignment to complete:

Chapters 36-39

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 36
What is Wiglaf’s argument for helping Beowulf?

Chapter 37
How does Beowulf add to his image as the greatest, bravest, and strongest of all men? In other words, what makes it more impressive that he is able to kill the dragon? What is Beowulf’s request?

Chapter 38
Who does Beowulf thank? What does this say about him as a hero? What is Beowulf’s final request?

Chapter 39
What will be the punishment for the men that fled? Why is this so bad? Use examples of Anglo-Saxon values as support.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Beowulf HW

The students read chapters 31-35 in class today. For HW they are to respond to the following questions in complete sentences:

How much time has passed?

Who/what is Beowulf's next opponent?

Why is this villain angry?

What will Beowulf use to battle this villain?

How many men help him?

How is this battle different from the others?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Beowulf HW

Today in class we covered chapters 22-24. The students are required to complete the following worksheet by tomorrow:

Chapters 22-24

Respond to the following in complete sentences.

Chapter 22
How is the danger increased in this section? How does Beowulf show bravery?

Chapter 23
What is special about the sword Beowulf uses? What trophy does he take and what is unique about it? What is the significance of what happens to the sword?

Chapter 24
Give an example of Christian influence in this chapter.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Beowulf Boast

The students were given an assignment today requiring them to write their own boast in the style of Beowulf. The assignment is due Thursday 11/15 and is worth 75 points. 50pts-written 25pts-oral delivery. This will be the first grade of the second marking period.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Beowulf HW

Today we covered the many rewards that were heaped upon Beowulf after his victory over Grendel. They are very Anglo-Saxon in nature.
For HW the students are to complete the following assignment:

Chapters 18-20

As you read, respond to the following in complete sentences.

Chapter 18
List and explain several examples of Anglo-Saxon values in this chapter. Write down the specific lines that exemplify this.

Chapter 19
Who is Beowulf’s next opponent? Explain how Christian values relate to this new villain. What does she take with her? (2 things)

Chapter 20
List the descriptive words used to describe the villain and her home. (at least 5)
Explain how this relates to descriptions of Grendel.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Beowulf HW-Due 11/2

The students worked on the following paper in class today, which should be completed by tomorrow:

Chapters 3-6

Read chapters 3-6 and respond to the following in complete sentences:

Chapter 3
List at least 8 words that are used to describe Beowulf and his companions in this chapter. What does this tell you about how the author wants you to feel about these characters?

Chapter 4
What does Beowulf reveal in his introduction? How does this differ from how you introduce yourself?

What is their purpose for travelling to Hrothgar’s land?

What is significant about the watchman’s “goodbye”?

Chapter 6
What will Beowulf use to fight Grendel? Why does he do this? Is this admirable? How will victory be decided?

They recieved the following assignment to complete on their own, also due tomorrow:

Chapters 7-9

Read chapters 7-9 and respond to the following in complete sentences:

In these chapters Unferth challenges Beowulf. What are his arguments against Beowulf? Do you see any validity in them? How does Beowulf put him in his place? Who would you side with if this were a modern argument and why?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Beowulf 1-2

The students are to read chapters 1-2 of Beowulf and respond to the following:

Chapters 1-2 summarize the basic conflict of the story. We are given a very detailed description of the villain (Grendel). Using these events, write a journal entry from Grendel's perspective. Consider whether or not there is justification for his actions. You must discuss, in at least 2 well-organized paragraphs, your feelings about the men and why you are so angry. Write what you would say and think if you were Grendel.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Beowulf Trailer

The students received their A Doll House essays today. They were not graded. The students spent some time reading and revising their work. This is a 50pt assignment that will be graded shortly.

We are now beginning a new unit. The next work we will be studying is Beowulf. The students will be taking notes on the background of the work and the origins of the english language.

Here is a link to an interesting site that shows the evolution of the english language.

I have also included the trailer for the upcoming animated feature.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Due to an illness I was out of school Monday and Tuesday. The students watched The Burning Bed while I was out, and are to write a paragraph comparing it to A Doll House for HW. I will collect the paragraphs tomorrow, and return their essays for revisions.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


We have finished our review activity for A Doll House. The students will be given an essay test on Friday 10/19.

We will begin a new unit on Beowulf Monday 10/22.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


We are currently working on a review sheet for A Doll House. It asks the students to interpret symbols and provide textual support. We will cover the responses in class tomorrow. There will be an essay in class on Friday 10/19.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sick Day HW

Due to the fact that I am out sick today, all students are to hand in the HW from the weekend tomorrow (10/16). I also want to see the assignment you received today. (your reactions to the film)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Weekend HW

The students are to finish reading A Doll House and complete the following assignment:

A Doll House
As we read through the final act in the play, respond to each of the following prompts in complete sentences.

Pgs 105-108
Examine the character of Torvald. Has he shown any growth throughout the play? Explain using examples from these pages.

Can what was said be undone? Explain. What would your reaction to Torvald be?

Pgs 109-111
Take a position on Nora’s decision. What do you feel are her “most sacred duties”? Explain.

Pgs 112-114
Write an argument explaining how the miracle Nora was waiting for did not happen.
Write an argument explaining how a miracle did happen.
Is there any hope that the “greatest miracle” will ever happen? Explain.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Students are to continue reading A Doll House through page 104 and complete the following assignment:

A Doll House
As we read through the final act in the play, respond to each of the following prompts in complete sentences.

Pgs 94-95
Explain the past of Mrs. Linde and Krogstad. Is Krogstad right when he says “you hadn’t the right to abandon me for somebody else’s sake”? Explain.

What is the tone of Krogstad on these pages? Explain why you think he is acting this way.

Pgs 96-97
Explain what Mrs. Linde means when she says Krogstad could have been “another person”.

Take a position on Mrs. Linde’s decision. Offer specific reasons supporting your argument.

Pgs 98-101
Examine Torvald’s treatment of Nora at the party. How do his descriptions of her reflect this? What is the significance of Torvald preferring embroidery to knitting?

Pgs 102-104
Explain Dr. Rank’s behavior as well as the symbolism behind his costume suggestions.
Why does Nora tell Torvald to read his mail after she has been trying distract him from doing so?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Today's HW

Today we continued reading Act II of A Doll House. The students are to finish the act by tomorrow and respond to the questions I gave them. It is a good idea to support your answers with textual evidence and page numbers. This will help when you have to write an essay.

A Doll’s House
Act II

Respond to the following in complete sentences.

1. What final arguments does Helmer make to Nora as reasons for firing Krogstad?

2. Nora was going to ask a favor of Dr. Rank, but she changed her mind. What was the favor, and why did she change her mind?

3. What was in Krogstad’s letter to Helmer?

4. How does Mrs. Linde plan to help Nora?

5. By the end of Act II, Nora has come to a decision. What is it?

Friday, October 5, 2007

There is no homework over the weekend. In class we finished covering the strengths and weaknesses of their Oedipus essays. Next week we will continue reading A Doll House. The students will finish the play by the end of the week and have another essay assignment. I expect to see the skills we covered in class used for the upcoming essay. We will begin with Act II on Tuesday.

Enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Oedipus Essays

To parents,

TodayI went over the HW with the students. They kept the worksheets which contain important quotations from the text. We also took a reading quiz, and covered the rest of Act I of A Doll House.

Tomorrow we will revisit the essays they turned in dealing with Oedipus the King. I will spend the period covering strengths/weaknesses in their writing.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


The students are to finish reading Act 1 of A Doll House and complete a worksheet asking for analysis of 5 quotes from the play.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Welcome 11B students and parents. This blog will keep you up to date with assignments, novels, and all classroom related information. This is a British Literature section, but due to the fact that it was changed from World Literature over the summer, we are in a transitional period. There will be some World-Lit titles mixed in throughout the year so the current students don't miss out on them.

We have already covered one World-Lit title (Oedipus the King) and are currently working on our second (A Doll House). The play, by Henrik Ibsen, covers themes such as: gender roles, gender equality, personal happiness and freedom, individuality, and wealth vs. love. It is a terrific play and I encourage all parents to grab a copy and read along. It provides many important issues that you may want to discuss with your child.

Ibsen, Henrik. Ibsen Four Major Plays: Volume 1. Trans. Rolf Fjelde. New York: Penguin Group, 1992.

One of the major obstacles for your students to overcome this year will be the HSPA test. This is a state-mandated test that all 11th grade students must pass in order to graduate. I will spend a considerable amount of time preparing the students for this exam. I will update this blog when we begin, and provide a detailed description of the test as well as the preparation material.


Mr. Klimas