Monday, March 25, 2013


We are working in the computer lab this week on essay revisions. The final draft is due Thursday.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Today I collected rough drafts. We will revise/edit and begin final drafts of the Lord of the Flies essay next week.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Today we finished the novel in class. Students are to complete the following for HW: Lord of the Flies Chapter 12 20pts Respond to the following in complete sentences: 1. Why does Ralph know he’s an outcast? 2. How does Jack plan to kill Ralph? How does Ralph find out about the plan? 3. What do you think Ralph could do to protect himself? 4. What was the purpose of the stick sharpened at both ends? 5. Explain what Jack does to force Ralph out of the thicket? 6. Why and how are the boys rescued? 7. What do you think would have happened to Ralph if the officer hadn’t intervened? What would have happened to the rest of the boys? 8. Does the officer believe Ralph about the boys who are killed? What did he expect from British boys? 9. Why does Ralph break down? What does he realize about mankind in general?

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Students are to complete the following for HW: The Lord of the Flies – How do the boys deal with the death of Simon? Support your answer with evidence from the text. What is evil? List as many evils in the world that you can think of. Does evil exist only inside of humans, or are there other sources of evil in the world? Golding’s suggests that the defects of a society result from the inherent defects of human nature. Explain the reasons that his theory may or may not be correct. Provide examples from real world events (current and/or historical) that support your point of view.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Today we read and discussed chapter 9 of Lord of the Flies.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Mist

We are currently viewing The Mist.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Today we had a final review for the HSPA which begins tomorrow. We will begin viewing The Mist.