Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sir Gawain part 2

Today we finished reading part 2 of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and completed the following worksheet: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-Part II 1. When does Gawain leave Arthur's court? 2. What color is Gawain's armor? 3. What appears on the outside of his shield? What appears on the inside? What does the pentangle stand for? What, especially, do the fifth five mean? (In the original, the five are fraunchyse, felawschyp, clannes, cortaysye, and pité.) The author stresses that all of the fives are linked. What happens in such a structure if any one of the elements gives way? 4. What route does Gawain follow? What sorts of adventures does he encounter? 5. The "Christmas Eve" of line 734 is actually the evening of December 23. What does Gawain fear he will miss on December 24? What happens after Gawain's prayer? 6. How is Gawain received in the castle? How does the lord of the castle respond? How would you describe the lord of the castle? 7. How well does Gawain maintain his Christmas Eve fast? 8. What do the castle residents expect once they know it is Gawain? In other words, what is Gawain well-known for? 9. What two women does Gawain meet after evensong? How are they described? How does Gawain behave with the women? 10. Why does Gawain tell the lord he has to leave? What surprising news does the lord have for him? What does Gawain then decide to do? 11. What arrangements does the lord propose for Gawain and himself for the next day? How does Gawain respond?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sir Gawain-part 1

We have begun reading Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Students are reading part 1 in class and completing the following assignment: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-part 1 Sir Gawain takes the Green Knight’s challenge. • What are Gawain’s reasons for doing this? • Will he live up to this challenge? • Would you live up to this challenge? Explain Use information from the story to support your response.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rough Draft

We are currently working on the rough draft which is due Friday. Students received the following handout: Library Days Rough Draft 5/8, 5/9, 5/10, 5/11 Task 4 Rough draft: During these periods in the library you should (a) begin writing your rough draft (b) familiarize yourself with Noodletools. 1. Find a quiet place, and work alone. 2. Use your sources and outline to begin writing a rough draft. It does not have to be perfect. Use your outline as a guide. Insert quotes where necessary. 3. Use your list of sources to complete your works cited in Noodletools. 4. You should have an opening paragraph and first argument completed by the end of the period. 5. Ask me questions! Let me look at your work and help you. Remember! • Rough draft is due Friday 5/11

Friday, May 4, 2012


The outline is due today. I expect to see all major topics/arguments and their supporting quotes. We will spend all of next week using the outline to write the rough draft. Enjoy the prom.