Tuesday, March 29, 2011

King Arthur

I have sent home permission slips for the film King Arthur. We will begin the film on Thursday.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Today we finished Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Students are to complete the following assignment for HW:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-part 4
1. Why is it said that Gawain decides to keep the girdle the lady had given him? Is such a reason truly chivalric?
2. What is Gawain’s final answer to his generous host?
3. Describe the Green Chapel, in your own words.
4. How does Gawain react to the axe’s blow?
5. What is the Green Knight’s response? Is it reasonable?
6. How does Gawain qualify his request to the Knight for a second chance? Who seems more reasonable, then?
7. What is the significance of the words Gawain uses to provoke the Knight to use his axe as promised? Do they have any relationship to the outcome?
8. Why does the Knight excuse Gawain’s enjoyment of the Knight’s wife?
9. What is Gawain’s angry response to the Knight’s story? Do you think it is warranted?
10. Examine the ideal of knighthood as presented in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In what ways is Gawain an ideal knight, and in what ways does he fail to live up to the ideal? In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, does the poet endorse the chivalric ideal or condemn it?

Friday, March 18, 2011


Today we finished part 3 of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and completed the chapter questions in class.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


We continued reading part 3 of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

We completed through #6 of the following assignment:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1. What is the first animal that the host hunts?

2. What does the lady want to do with Gawain while her husband is out hunting?

3. What do the men exchange when the host returns? Who wins?

4. What is the second animal?

5. What does the lady ask Gawain during her second visit?

6. What do the men exchange? Who wins?

7. What is the third animal?

8. What is the lady’s purpose during her third visit?

9. What gift does she give Gawain? What is the condition?

Also, I handed out instructions for accessing the wiki for the fanfiction assignment (50pts). I would like character names by tomorrow so I can create the pages. There is a link to the wiki, and here are the instructions-

Instructions for wiki access.

Go to-

Click-join (upper right corner)
Create an account
-your username should be your character name (no spaces)
-the password is up to you (don’t forget it-this project is worth 50pts)
-your email

Once you are in, navigate back to
and click Join this Wiki (on the left side)

You will then be prompted to send a message to the administrator of the wiki (me), requesting membership. Just write your name (your real name).

Once I accept you, you will be able to edit the wiki. I will create pages for all of the characters. You simply click your character’s name and then edit that page only. All edits are recorded.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We continued reading SGGK. Students are to finish the questions for part II for HW.
Pd 1 had the following assignment for hw:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-part 1

Sir Gawain takes the Green Knight’s challenge.

• What are Gawain’s reasons for doing this?
• Will he live up to this challenge?
• Would you live up to this challenge? Explain
Use information from the story to support your response.

Pds 4 & 7 continued reading and began working on the following assignment:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-Part II

1. When does Gawain leave Arthur's court?

2. What color is Gawain's armor?

3. What appears on the outside of his shield? What appears on the inside? What does the pentangle stand for? What, especially, do the fifth five mean? (In the original, the five are fraunchyse, felawschyp, clannes, cortaysye, and pité.) The author stresses that all of the fives are linked. What happens in such a structure if any one of the elements gives way?

4. What route does Gawain follow? What sorts of adventures does he encounter?

5. The "Christmas Eve" of line 734 is actually the evening of December 23. What does Gawain fear he will miss on December 24? What happens after Gawain's prayer?

6. How is Gawain received in the castle? How does the lord of the castle respond? How would you describe the lord of the castle?

7. How well does Gawain maintain his Christmas Eve fast?

8. What do the castle residents expect once they know it is Gawain? In other words, what is Gawain well-known for?

9. What two women does Gawain meet after evensong? How are they described? How does Gawain behave with the women?

10. Why does Gawain tell the lord he has to leave? What surprising news does the lord have for him? What does Gawain then decide to do?

11. What arrangements does the lord propose for Gawain and himself for the next day? How does Gawain respond?

Friday, March 11, 2011


Today pds 4 & 7 finished part I of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and were given the following assignment to complete over the weekend:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-part 1

Sir Gawain takes the Green Knight’s challenge.

• What are Gawain’s reasons for doing this?
• Will he live up to this challenge?
• Would you live up to this challenge? Explain
Use information from the story to support your response.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fanfiction assignment

Student were introduced to their story assignment for Arthurian Legend.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

King Arthur

Today students began taking notes on Arthurian Legend. I have posted the PowerPoint.