Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The students received a project assignment for The Canterbury Tales. This group assignment will be worked on further after we return from break.

The Canterbury TalesPhoto Story Project

Using Photo Story 3 you are to create a narrated slideshow of the tale your group is assigned. You must use images that relate to your story.

• Rewrite an abbreviated version of the story and read it.
• Provide background music/sounds that add to the atmosphere of the story
• Provide appropriate images to help tell the story
• Provide text over several slides. Must use specific lines from the story.
• You must present your final product.
1. Presentation must include:
• Explanation of themes and symbols
• Explanation of what the story says about medieval life
• Explanation of morals or lessons from the story

You may do a Google image search for good pictures. You may bring in music or sounds from home. You can also download sound effects to use.

I will provide microphones for narration.

You will have 3 full periods to complete this assignment.

1. Read the prologue to the story and the story itself.
2. Write the story. I will collect the final copy of it. Include dialogue when necessary.
3. Decide on appropriate pictures. Search for them and save them.
4. Import them and put them in the right order.
5. Narrate the story to the slides.
6. Add sounds/music
7. Save to the computer.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Canterbury Tales

Open notebook quiz on Monday.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

General Prologue

Today the students completed their projects. They will take notes and be quizzed on them tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Canterbury Tales

Today we began reading about the characters presented in the general prologue.

The students are working in groups on the following assignment:

As you read through the general prologue keep track of the following characteristics of each of the travelers:
• physical description (looks/dress)
• job description
• personality traits.
• Provide one line supporting their personality trait.
Create a poster incorporating all of your findings. You will be quizzed on all of the pilgrims, so make your poster as informative as possible.

1 Knight
Nun (Prioress)

2 Friar

3 Haberdasher
Tapestry Maker (arras-maker)

4 Sailor
Wife of Bath
Priest (Parson)

5 Miller

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Canterbury Tales

Today the students took some background notes on The Canterbury Tales which we will begin reading tomorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Today we began viewing the film and analyzing how specific aspects of the chivalric code are being satirized.

-Live for freedom, justice and all that is good.
-Never attack an unarmed foe
-Show respect to authority
-Defend the weak and innocent
-Crush the monsters that steal our land and rob our people.
-Exhibit Courage in word and deed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Study Island

Students continued working on Study Island. We will be back in the classroom tomorrow.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Study Island

Students were given their first StudyIsland assignment today. It is worth 30pts and will be based on their percentage scores. It is due Friday.

Friday, December 4, 2009

SGGK essay

Final drafts were due today. Any student that was absent at any point during the week has until Monday to hand in the essay.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

SGGK essay

The final draft of the essay is due at the end of the period tomorrow. Any students who did not finish the rough draft should finish it for HW this evening so it can be edited tomorrow.