Monday, February 23, 2009

HW for the week

Students are to complete the Study Island assignment, Reading 2, by Friday 2/27.

Students are to complete the following assignment for Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Thursday 2/26:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-part 4
1. Why is it said that Gawain decides to keep the girdle the lady had given him? Is such a reason truly chivalric?
2. What is Gawain’s final answer to his generous host?
3. Describe the Green Chapel, in your own words.
4. How does Gawain react to the axe’s blow?
5. What is the Green Knight’s response? Is it reasonable?
6. How does Gawain qualify his request to the Knight for a second chance? Who seems more reasonable, then?
7. What is the significance of the words Gawain uses to provoke the Knight to use his axe as promised? Do they have any relationship to the outcome?
8. Why does the Knight excuse Gawain’s enjoyment of the Knight’s wife?
9. What is Gawain’s angry response to the Knight’s story? Do you think it is warranted?
10. We learn that the Green Knight is really Bercilak de Hautdesert, who owes his power to sinister Morgan le Faye, Gawain’s aunt! The Knight tells Gawain he has “tested” him because his aunt wanted to reveal the “surfeit of pride” in Arthur’s Court as well as to scare Arthur’s wife, Guenevere, with the mock beheading. What is Gawain’s reaction to these revelations?
11. Finally, what do Gawain’s neck scar and the green girdle he wears symbolize, for him? What are their parallels in the Bible?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Students are to complete the following assignment for Monday:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-part 3

What is the first animal that the host hunts?

What does the lady want to do with Gawain while her husband is out hunting?

What do the men exchange when the host returns? Who wins?

What is the second animal?

What does the lady ask Gawain during her second visit?

What do the men exchange? Who wins?

What is the third animal?

What is the lady’s purpose during her third visit?

What gift does she give Gawain? What is the condition?

Sir Gawain HW

Students are to have the following completed for Friday 2/20:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-Part II

1. When does Gawain leave Arthur's court?

2. What color is Gawain's armor? (See lines 603, 619.)

3. What appears on the outside of his shield? What appears on the inside? What does the pentangle stand for? What, especially, do the fifth five mean? (In the original, the five are fraunchyse, felawschyp, clannes, cortaysye, and pité.) The author stresses that all of the fives are linked (lines 656-661). What happens in such a structure if any one of the elements gives way?

4. What route does Gawain follow? What sorts of adventures does he encounter?

5. The "Christmas Eve" of line 734 is actually the evening of December 23. What does Gawain fear he will miss on December 24 (lines 750-762)? What happens after Gawain's prayer?

6. How is Gawain received in the castle? How does the lord of the castle respond? How would you describe the lord of the castle?

7. How well does Gawain maintain his Christmas Eve fast?

8. What do the castle residents expect once they know it is Gawain (lines 908-927)? In other words, what is Gawain well-known for?

9. What two women does Gawain meet after evensong? How are they described? How does Gawain behave with the women?

10. Why does Gawain tell the lord he has to leave? What surprising news does the lord have for him? What does Gawain then decide to do?

11. What arrangements does the lord propose for Gawain and himself for the next day? How does Gawain respond?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Study Island

The due date for the Study Island assignment has been pushed to today at 11:59 pm.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Study Island

Students have the following assignment due Friday 2/13.

Go to
Username: first initial and last name@hp ex. cnorris@hp
Password: wildcats you will change this after your first login
Select a class pd 4-123.03 pd 7-123.05
Complete the pretest
Select the lesson-Reading 1
This has 3 parts-connotation/denotation, context clues, theme
Read the lesson for each before completing the test
All three must be completed by the end of the day Friday 2/13
This is a 30pt assignment-grade will be based on the percentage you score

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Students are currently working on the following project:

Honor research project. 30pts Due Friday 2/6

You are to work with your group to research the codes of honor for 2 of the following:

Native Americans
Boy scouts
Family-honor killings

You must create a presentation including the following:

Basic rules of conduct
Treatment of women/spouses
Penalty for loss of honor
Saying/slogan to live by
Rules you follow/don’t agree with
Comparison of the two codes