Thursday, September 25, 2008

Short Story assignment-due 9/26

Short Story
25pts Due Friday 9/26

Now that you have a good understanding of motif, you must experience what it is like to create your own. Your assignment is to write a short story about a topic of your choice and include one of the following motifs. This means it will be a reoccurring idea throughout your story and add to the meaning of the story as a whole. For example, the sight motif in Oedipus the King and “The Minority Report” reflects the metaphorical blindness of the main characters.










Friday, September 19, 2008


The students worked on a review sheet today for Oedipus the King. It deals with the characteristics of a tragic hero. On Monday the students will be writing an essay dealing with Oedipus the King. I encourage all students to bring the review sheet on Monday. The essay is worth 50pts and requires textual support. Notes, review sheets, and the book itself are needed in order to write a good essay.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Minority Report HW 9/18

Students are to complete the following assignment by tomorrow.

Oedipus the King/”The Minority Report”

Finish reading Oedipus the King.
Read chapters 1-5 of “The Minority Report”

Answer the following in complete sentences.

1. Is blinding an appropriate punishment? Why doesn't he commit suicide?

2. How much is Oedipus to blame? How would this story be different if he had never heard the prophecy?

3. List and explain 2 similarities between Oedipus and John Anderton.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Welcome to 11th grade British Literature. All of your assignments will be posted on this blog. I will also post important dates and reminders.