Friday, December 21, 2007

Holiday Break

Have a great holiday break!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Canterbury Tales-project

Pd 2-Tomorrow each group will have an opportunity for revisions. The project must be 100% complete by the end of the period.

Pd 8-Good job with the presentations. Think about how you would do things differently the next time.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Photo Story Projects

Pd 2
Monday-The group covering "The Wife of Bath's Tale" will have a work period. Everyone else will spend the period working on the assignment for "The Pardoner's Tale".

Pd 8
Monday will be the final work day for the project. Be sure to budget your time.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Photo Story project

We began a Photo Story project today dealing with The Canterbury Tales. The students are in groups of 3 & 4, and are responsible for creating a slideshow that tells the tale they have been assigned. We will be covering 5 to 6 tales this way. The project is worth 30pts.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Miller's Tale

Students are to read "The Miller's Tale" and complete the following assignment for tomorrow:

Read the tale and respond to the following in complete sentences:
“The Miller”
In what condition is the Miller when he tells his tale? Why is this significant?

Describe the situation, the problem, the climax, the resolution—who gets made a fool of? Who wins?

Do you think that poetic justice, or a fitting punishment, is awarded to the characters? Explain.

Refer back to Chaucer’s vivid description of the Miller on page 12. How does this tale reflect the character?

Do you think that this tale is strong motivation for an even better tale by the Reeve? Why?