Sunday, September 30, 2007


Welcome 11B students and parents. This blog will keep you up to date with assignments, novels, and all classroom related information. This is a British Literature section, but due to the fact that it was changed from World Literature over the summer, we are in a transitional period. There will be some World-Lit titles mixed in throughout the year so the current students don't miss out on them.

We have already covered one World-Lit title (Oedipus the King) and are currently working on our second (A Doll House). The play, by Henrik Ibsen, covers themes such as: gender roles, gender equality, personal happiness and freedom, individuality, and wealth vs. love. It is a terrific play and I encourage all parents to grab a copy and read along. It provides many important issues that you may want to discuss with your child.

Ibsen, Henrik. Ibsen Four Major Plays: Volume 1. Trans. Rolf Fjelde. New York: Penguin Group, 1992.

One of the major obstacles for your students to overcome this year will be the HSPA test. This is a state-mandated test that all 11th grade students must pass in order to graduate. I will spend a considerable amount of time preparing the students for this exam. I will update this blog when we begin, and provide a detailed description of the test as well as the preparation material.


Mr. Klimas